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Pirate Of The Caribbean Cheats

Pirate Of The Caribbean Cheats

Part 1 of cheats. Part 1 of cheats. Skip navigation. Lego pirates of the Caribbean cheats part one xbox 360 Relentless. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean.

Here are all of the weapons you can unlock on Pirates Of The Caribbean Online. Unlockable:HowCutlassDo the tutorial or skip it.PistolVisit Captian Barboose.Voodoo DollGet Level 5 Notoritey, visit Tia for a mission to unlock the Voodoo Doll.DaggerGet Level 10 Notoritey, visit Elizebeth Swann for a mission to unlock the Dagger. MUST HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS!!!GernadeGet Level 20 Notoritey, visit Jack Sparrow for a mission to unlock the Gernade. MUST HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS!!!StaffGet Level 30 Notoritey, visit Tia for mission to unlock the Staff.

MUST HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS!!! Tagteams: Groups of pirates fighting one enemy.You should use this on the Undead Witchdoctors, the Bosses, and the huge ships. More people on your crew, the better. DEFINATELY GET A TAGTEAM FOR VETERANS,OFFICERS, and MARINES.Cutlass: The basic oneOn Undead Gravediggers(about 4-5 strikes), Cadets(3-4 strikes), Swamp Alligators(5-7 strikes sometimes more), Bayou Aligators(6-8 strikes sometimes more, and other small enemies.Pistol: The Basic one.Anything except humans(that means animals and Undead)Vodoo Doll:Anything. You just have to retreat sometimes because the action takes time. It's worth it. Kills Cadet and Undead Gravediggers with 1 poke.

Almost knocks out any alligator.Combo 1: Cutlass first/ Gun secondDont do this. In order for the gun to work its highest it has to be a distance.

If you attack with a cutlass the enemy will always be on you.Combo 2: Gun first/Cutlass secondExcellent for Scorpions and Undead. Rabid Bats is and Only-gun situation.

Wait for the precise moment to begin with the cutlass.Combo 3: Vodoo Doll/AnythingThe Vodoo Doll should be done at a distance because the victim with be randomly attacked in their minds and it'll hurt them more for some reason.shrug.Avoiding Attacks/Making the enemy miss of lessen damage.1. To avoid fighting go into a corner and wait til the health is green. Or take a Tonic.2. Don't run into enemies.3. Scorpions/Undead with daggers: Jump when the pincer/blade is about to hhit you.

It will lessen/diminish the damage.4. The Gun and cutlass will become most handy.I'm Briana Darkblade I hang in Port Royal and Tortuga alot. Go to the catacombs on padres and look on your compass get down to the very bottom walk way and u will keep going until u see like a big hook on your compass. The wall forms a hook is wat i meean.

Go inside the hook and run at the wall while u r pointing slightly to the left.u should go through the wallthe run into the lava pool.it works best with people with grenades and long throw skill.there is a boss straight down the corridor in front of the little semi-circle on lava at the front of the lava.throw the grenade down the corridor and try to hit the boss and the raiders.stinkpot or smoke work best.my pirate is john renwald lv 37 if u want to try and find me. 1.Gather a full crew. Make sure they stay about lvl 25 and up. Try to get a man who has take cover. It is best to have a crew of 12 (including you).2.Entering the Black Pearl. You could skip or watch the cutscene. When you are on the actual Black Pearl, you will have to face officers (lvl 28 and up).

It is best for someone to use their staff if they have one.3.After the officers, have your 'take cover man' take the wheel. Then, Light Frigates will appear. Don't waste your best ammunition but at the same time kill'em quick.4.Allow your steering man to go.

He should allow enough space to shoot the towers guarding the drawbridges. Once you did that go as fast as possible and shoot the last drawbridges AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! ALMOST EVERY ATTEMPT LOSE AT THIS PART!5.If you actually made it here then your in luck.

After the drawbridges, have everyone head to the LEFT CANNONS. THE GOLIATH WILL APPEAR ON THE LEFT. Then shoot him with ALL YOU HAVE! Try to hit him long enough so that your steering man can drive away fast. When you escape.(drama music)CONGRATULATIONS!If you had to do it for the quest at the end, head back to Jack Sparrow in Faithful Bride in Tortuga. He will give you 2000 Notoriety points, and you get the special sailing skill Leadership (i have it:))Hope this helps!

Happy PLunderin! U go over to the entrance to the little swamp pool with alligators and stop on the wooden bridge part. Look on the right side and try to jump over it. Then swim over to the part of tortuga behind the house and go behind the side roof then try to jump up. U will mysteruislly jump higher and ur there!

If u wanted to do the rock wall thing then stay at that place behind the weapon shop. Go to the closest part of the thing without falling. Then flip a coin or dance in a jig and wait for like five seconds. Then walk forward and u will magiclly be floating! Walk backwards to go up and forward to go down. (i recommend walking in circles when doing that) after ur the right hight walk over to the rock wall (u cant see it while ur behind it) and turn the camera at urself. U'll be standing on the rock wall!!!!

Pirates Of The Caribbean Game Download

You’ll find the clock tower on the left side of the balcony above the tavern. Youwill need to use Jack’s compass to find the key on the left. Then afterwards placethe key on the crank and turn it to raise the green bars along the side of theclock tower.Select a female character and jump to the green bar. Afterwards swing and jump upto the next set of green bars and finally to a 3rd one where you will be able topull yourself on a platform.

Pirate of the caribbean imdb

This will earn you “The Green Flash” Achievement orTrophy. A pirate’s life for me (Bronze)Test any custom characterA weather eye on the horizon (Bronze)Use a spyglassAll hands on deck! (Platinum)Collect all Trophies.And really bad eggs (Silver)Play as all the Extra Toggle charactersAt World’s End (Bronze)Complete the Film 3 storyAye-aye, captain! (Bronze)Play a level in co-opBelieving in ghost stories (Silver)Unlock all the cursed Black Pearl crewcharacters (Single Player Only)Dead Man’s Chest (Bronze)Complete the Film 2 storyDid everybody see that? (Bronze)High dive into the MaelstromDo you fear death?

(Silver)Unlock all the Flying Dutchman crew characters(Single Player Only)Fight to the bitter end! (Bronze)Defeat 100 enemiesFire!

Dead Man's Chest Full Movie

(Bronze)Fire 100 cannonballsFive lashes be owed (Bronze)As Jimmy Legs, whip Will Turner 5 timesGents, take a walk (Bronze)Walk on the sea bed with all possible charactersHello, beastie (Silver)Get eaten by the Kraken 10 timesHello, poppet! (Bronze)Unlock all Elizabeth characters (Single Player Only)Here there be monsters (Bronze)Get eaten by a creature in deadly waterHoist the colours! (Gold)Sail all the minikits in the hubI am a bad man (Bronze)Play a level with all Extras turned on (Single PlayerOnly)More what you’d call guidelines (Bronze)Complete the Brethren CourtNow bring me that horizon (Gold)Complete the game to 100% (Single PlayerOnly)On Stranger Tides (Bronze)Complete the Film 4 storyParley! (Silver)Unlock all characters (Single Player Only)Pieces of Eight (Silver)Reach 888,888,888 studsSavvy?

Pirate Of The Caribbean Cheats